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The form below allows you to create a profile which is necessary to place orders and to join our membership. Do not forget that this information is essential to use our services correctly. Please let us know which styles of music you are interested in by clicking as little or as many of the tick boxes as you wish, or if the music style you prefer isnt listed please enter it in the Other Please Specify Box.

Please note that if you register and do not specify which styles of music you wish us to keep you updated about we will assume that you wish to be informed on all the styles of music we have available.

It is important you let us know if you change your details as you may miss out on a special offer or update if we have incorrect details registered.

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If you live in outside of the UK please tick this box,By ticking this box you agree to join our mailing list and receive updates on new stock, restocks, back catalogue additions and special offers. You can Unsubscribe at any time however to take advantage of Special Offers and Discounts you must remain subscribed.
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